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2024年3月上旬,美国政府宣布.S. 劳工部(DOL)提出的加班规则, 于2023年8月宣布, 进入审查的最后阶段. 最终规定预计将很快公布. 该规定将修改《美高美集团4688》中规定的某些白领职业的雇员必须满足的加班豁免条件。.

FLSA白领豁免适用于行政人员, 行政, 以及一些外部销售人员和计算机相关的职业. Some highly compensated employees (HCEs) may also qualify for a FLSA white-collar exemption.

以符合大多数白领豁免的资格, 员工必须达到规定的工资门槛, 在其他标准中. 劳工处建议将标准薪金水平从:

  • $684 to $1,每周0.59美元(55美元),068元/年); and
  • 高薪酬员工(hce)每年107,432至143,988美元.  



雇主们可以期待最终规定很快就会公布, and the DOL has indicated that the final rule will likely take effect only 60 days after its publication. 因此, 雇主应该开始熟悉拟议的规则,并评估在生效日期之前他们可能需要采取的行动. 本合规公告总结了拟议的变更,并描述了雇主在预期最终加班规则时可能采取的步骤.


  • 主管人员的工资水平, 行政和专业豁免将增加到1美元,每周0.59美元(55美元),068元/年).
  • 高级行政人员的薪酬水平将增加到每年$143 988.
  • 的 rule would enable the DOL to update compensation thresholds automatically every three years.
  • 拟议的规则不影响白领FLSA豁免的关税测试.


8月. 30, 2023





FLSA要求雇主支付员工加班费的比率为1.他们的5倍 正常工资率 for all hours worked over 40 in a workweek unless the employees qualify for an exemption under the FLSA. 《美高美集团4688》对加班费规定了几项豁免, 其中最常见的是“白领”豁免. 这些豁免主要适用于行政人员, 行政和专业人员(eap),但也适用于外部销售和计算机相关职业的一些个人,以及某些hce.  

以符合大多数白领豁免的资格, an employee must satisfy the following tests:

  • 工资基准测试 要求向雇员支付预先确定的固定工资,不因工作的质量或数量而波动;
  • 薪酬水平测试 requires that the employee meets a minimum specified amount to qualify for the exemption. 目前的薪金门槛是每周684元(每年35,568元)。. 目前,高级专员的薪酬门槛为107美元,每年432美元(35美元),其中568个必须以薪金计算). 然而, 外部销售人员和某些其他职业, 包括医生, 律师和教师, are 不 subject to the 薪酬水平测试; and
  • 工作测试 requires that an employee’s actual work responsibilities match the description the FLSA assigns to the exemption. hce需接受限制性较低的关税测试.

拟议的规则将把工资门槛从684美元提高到1美元,每周0.59美元(55美元),068元/年),并将高阶主管的薪酬门槛由107元提高,432 to $143,每年988美元(55美元),(其中068个必须以薪金计算). 这些数额在最终规则中可能有所不同, 因此,一旦最终规定公布,雇主应仔细审查. 拟议的规则还使DOL能够每三年自动增加这些阈值,而不必依赖于规则制定过程. 



Employers should review payroll data to identify which employees will be affected by the new overtime rule. 具体地说, the proposed rule will affect employees who are classified as exempt and earn an annual salary of less than $55,068, 以及获豁免、年薪少于143元的高级行政主任,988. 在厘定补偿总额时,才可获豁免缴付自雇津贴, 只有55美元,这类补偿的一部分必须以薪金为基础支付, 剩余的报酬可以包括佣金, 非酌情奖金及其他非酌情报酬.  

根据FLSA,那些已经被归类为非加班费豁免的员工将会得到豁免 受到新的加班规定的影响,不管他们的补偿是多少.



才有资格获得白领豁免, 高级专员须接受较宽松的职务测试, 它只要求员工的主要职责必须是办公室或非体力工作,并且员工必须至少习惯和定期执行 一个 EAP雇员的真正豁免职责. 对于目前被列为豁免但收入低于拟议规则规定的年薪门槛(143美元)的高级行政人员,988), 雇主应根据适用于其他白领豁免的更严格的关税测试,评估他们是否仍有资格获得豁免. 如果他们不能满足义务测试, 然后雇主必须决定是否提高他们的工资以达到新的HCE补偿门槛,或者在新规则生效后将他们重新归类为非豁免雇员, 如下所述.


在确认所有受影响的员工之后, employers will need to take 一个 of the following actions with respect to such employees as of the rule’s effective date:

  • Raise their salaries so as to satisfy the 薪酬水平测试 for an exempt classification; or
  • 将员工重新归类为非加班费.

雇主不必对所有受影响的雇员采取同样的措施. 然而, it is generally considered best practice to assign the same classification to employees with the same job title and duties. 因此, employers may wish to make such determinations on a position-by-position basis rather than individually.

进一步, 在某种程度上,雇主选择将受影响的雇员重新分类为非豁免雇员, employers will need to decide whether to pay newly n一个xempt employees on an hourly rather than salary basis. 非豁免雇员通常按小时支付工资,但不是强制要求. 按小时向非豁免员工支付加班费通常简化了确定加班费的过程,并确保员工只按工作时间支付工资. 然而, 一些员工认为受薪职位更有声望,并且喜欢薪水的可预测性,不会在不同的薪水之间波动. 因此, employers may also need to consider the potential impacts on employee morale. 


根据FLSA, employers are required to track hours worked by n一个xempt employees for purposes of calculating overtime (i.e.(每周工作超过40小时的工资). Employers may better prepare for the new rule by tracking and analyzing the hours worked by affected employees. 这种跟踪和分析可以帮助雇主确定重新分类的潜在成本,并影响雇主的决定,将受影响的员工重新分类为非豁免或增加他们的工资. 例如, 如果受到影响,员工每周工作时间很少超过40小时, 将它们重新归类为非豁免类可能更具成本效益. 相反, 如果受影响的员工每周工作超过40小时, it may be more cost-effective to avoid paying substantial overtime by increasing their salaries to retain their exempt status.



如果雇主希望限制重新分类雇员的加班时间,应考虑制定一项政策,要求加班时间事先获得批准,并对违反该政策的雇员进行纪律处分(即使未经预先批准,雇主仍需支付所有加班费用)。. 然而, 每周工作超过40小时的员工,如果在重新分类后被限制为每周最多工作40小时,可能无法完成同样多的工作. 因此, employers that choose to restrict overtime may also consider whether to modify performance expectations, 转移职责或职责, 或者雇佣额外的工人.  


根据新的加班规定, 雇主可考虑现有的计时做法如何适用于被雇主重新列为豁免雇员的受影响雇员,以及是否需要作出修改. 例如, 如果雇主将远程或混合型员工重新分类为非豁免员工, 雇主需要确保这些员工能够远程记录工作时间. 此外, employers may need to establish additional guardrails for work performed at irregular times or off-site. 例如,如果受影响的员工在工作时间之外进行远程工作(例如.g., 在晚上或周末回复邮件), 雇主可能需要修改他们的政策,以确保正确记录这些时间,或要求所有工作都在营业时间内进行.


雇主也可以考虑审查现有的区分豁免和非豁免工人的政策,并考虑对重新分类的员工的潜在影响. 例如, employers may offer different vacation policies or bonus opportunities depending on an employee’s exempt status.


选择对受影响的员工进行重新分类的雇主应在重新分类生效之前与员工进行沟通. 的 communications should generally include an explanation of the change in employee classification, 变更生效的日期, a description of the organization’s timekeeping policies (and meal and rest break policies, 如适用), 雇员在这些政策下的义务, and a description of any changes under employer policies that differentiate between exempt and n一个xempt employees (e.g.,假期政策). 一些员工可能会将被重新分类为非豁免视为降级, 因此,雇主可能想让员工放心,这种变化对他们的身份没有影响,并强调重新分类的积极方面, 例如加班资格.

雇主也应该通知经理新的要求,以便他们了解他们对新非豁免雇员的义务, 例如审核和授权加班. Employers may also consider 不ifying payroll personnel of any potential changes to employee paychecks, such as paying and calculating overtime and converting salaried employees to hourly employees.  

Employers may begin preparing these communications now; however, 因为最终的规则可能包括不同的工资门槛和其他变化, employers should wait to issue communications to employees until after the final rule is published. 


Employees who are reclassified may be unfamiliar with timekeeping and other practices applicable to only n一个xempt employees. 因此, 除了沟通变更之外, 雇主可以考虑对重新分类的员工进行守时方面的培训, 时间安排, 加班批准, 用餐和休息时间, and any other policies applicable only to n一个xempt employees prior to the effective date of their reclassification. 重新分类雇员的管理人员可能还需要额外的培训,以了解他们对这些雇员的义务, such as approving or denying overtime and ensuring hours are accurately tracked and reported.

与受影响员工的沟通也是如此, employers may begin preparing training programs now but should wait to conduct training until after the final rule is published. 


Although the proposed overtime rule does 不 make any changes to the duties requirements for exempt classification, 雇主也可以考虑进行更广泛的审计,以确定其获得豁免的雇员的工作职责和责任是否符合美国职业安全联盟对白领豁免的职责测试. 雇主也可能希望审查豁免职位的现有职位描述,以确保它们准确反映所执行的工作.


一些雇主可能已经受到州或地方法律的约束,这些法律规定了更高的工资门槛,才有资格获得加班费豁免. 因此, 雇主应继续使用适用的州和地方标准以及联邦标准来评估适当的雇员分类.   

另外, 某些州和地方法律, 包括吃饭和休息时间, 只适用于非豁免雇员. 将雇员重新分类为非豁免雇员的雇主应确定是否有任何此类州或地方工资和工时法适用于重新分类的雇员和, 如果是这样的话, 是否应该告知员工这些额外的权利和福利.


而雇主现在可能会采取措施为最终规定做准备, they may want to wait to implement any concrete changes before the final rule takes effect. 最终的规则可能与提议的规则有所不同, 因此,一旦最终规定公布,雇主应仔细审查 to identify any substantive changes. 此外, the final rule is expected to face legal challenges similar to those with respect to the 2016 overtime rule, which resulted in substantial delays and was ultimately blocked and aband一个d by a new administration. 因此, employers should watch for updates and prepare for potential uncertainty following the final rule’s publication. 

This Compliance Bulletin is 不 intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as legal advice. 读者应向法律顾问咨询法律意见. ©2024 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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