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Artificial intelligence (AI) garnered attention from every industry in 2023, revolutionizing the way organizations operate and make decisions. Many employers adopted this technology to streamline operations, 增强工作流程并改善客户体验. Looking ahead, organizations are expected to adopt AI at an even more rapid pace. According to Grand View Research, AI has an expected annual growth rate of 37.3% between 2023 and 2030, indicating the growing impact of AI technology in the coming years.

In 2024, employers are expected to increasingly rely on AI to make critical business decisions and improve productivity. 精明的雇主会紧跟法律的发展, ethical and transparency issues surrounding the heightened adoption of AI in the workplace. This article discusses four key impacts AI will have on workplaces in 2024.

1. 增强决策能力

In 2023, many employers adopted AI to streamline HR and managerial functions such as hiring, 新员工培训, 培训和公开招生. 随着这项技术的进步, employers will likely increasingly rely on AI to support HR professionals and managers in areas where they are inexperienced or burnt out. 例如, in 2024, AI may be used to create thoughtful performance reviews and career coaching and identify internal growth opportunities for employees, 授权组织发展和提高员工技能.  除了, as employers place more trust in AI’s decision-making capabilities, 组织可以依靠这种技术来实现网络安全. 以这种身份, 

AI’s ability to rapidly sift through large amounts of information, gain insights and create business strategies may proactively identify and mitigate potential cyberthreats to protect company data.

2. 提高了生产率

Chatbots and virtual assistants showed significant potential in 2023, 具备提升员工体验的能力, 回应客户的询问, 并执行平凡和重复的任务. These capabilities can free employees to focus on solving more complex issues more efficiently. 管理咨询公司麦肯锡2023年的一份报告 & Company found that current generative AI and other technologies can potentially automate work activities that take up 60% to 70% of employees’ time today. 随着人工智能能力的进步, these technologies may also create workplace-specific algorithms to identify project misalignments and tasks requiring immediate attention. 因此, 今年, these algorithms will be increasingly used to bolster employee productivity and ensure customers receive timely and personalized feedback on complex queries. 

3. 更加注重合法性、道德和透明度

人工智能立法正在开始发展, 不同的州和城市,比如伊利诺伊州, 马里兰州和纽约市制定了有关其使用的法律. 美国.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has also prioritized the enforcement of applicable federal laws concerning AI in employment. These regulations are expected to expand further as lawmakers face growing pressure to regulate its use. 像这样, remaining abreast of legal developments regarding AI will be crucial for organizations 今年. Failing to comply with applicable regulations could result in costly lawsuits, 罚款及罚则, 还有名誉受损.

Employers may also focus more on ensuring that AI systems are fair and transparent. 这将包括理解用于训练人工智能的资源, potential biases in these datasets and the ethical implications of AI-powered decisions. Employee training will also be critical to ensuring safe and ethical use. A recent survey by social networking platform FishBowl found that just 32% of individuals who use AI tools at work do so with their boss’s knowledge. 此外, 根据Josh Bersin公司的说法, 只有4%的组织在人力资源方面有明确的人工智能战略. In 2024, employers are expected to prioritize creating formal AI policies to meet evolving legal, 道德和透明度标准.

4. 高度关注基于技能的招聘

Increased adoption of AI is expected to change the qualities employers look for in employees in 2024 and beyond. There will likely be a greater focus on hiring employees with behavioral skills, 比如数据分析, 人工智能知识和与人工智能系统一起工作的能力. “人”的软技能, 比如解决问题和沟通, 人工智能无法复制的东西, 也会有很高的需求吗. 另外, 因为生成式人工智能接管了某些工作任务, it will also create the need for new job roles and requirements. 例如, AI ethicists, data curators and algorithm trainers may become emerging professions. AI proficiency may become a popular requisite on job postings as employers create more AI-centric business strategies. 像这样, the 2024 workforce will likely be defined by the ability to learn and work productively with AI technology. 


The prevalence of AI in the workplace is a trend that isn’t going away. 随着这项技术的进步, employers will increasingly integrate AI into everyday operations and decision-making processes. 然而, the relative newness of this technology has the potential to create legal and ethical issues for organizations that adopt AI without proper protocols in place. Employers can stay ahead by monitoring AI trends impacting the workplace in 2024 and beyond. 

This 人力资源的见解 is not intended to be exhaustive nor should any discussion or opinions be construed as professional advice. ©2024 Zywave, Inc. 版权所有.






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